Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 2

Didn't get much sleep last night for some reason. Woke up three times in the middle of the night and unfortunately it left me a bit drowsy for the rest of the day. After I decided to wake up and forfeit my attempts to sleep, I ate a good breakfast and went to play hockey. Skated as a player today so it was more max interval training than moderate exercise unlike yesterday when I played in the net. I felt bad, my back is seriously killing me. The back started hurting about 45 minutes in and never really got better despite my tries to strech it at the bench. My lower body is still a bit stiff from yesterday so it might appear as lower back pain. And I got new skates (with new 9" runner profiles) which aren't really broken in yet so that might explain it as well.

(Have to say, I love the skates so thanks Niina for the amazing christmas present. You gotta love ebay, pro stock EQ5 skates which belonged to Rangers forward John Mitchell with custom tongue, holder and runner for nickles and shillings!)

Well, anyhoo.. Back to the point:

Well, at least my recovery was somewhat consistent throughout the skate so it means I'm not in terrible shape but I definitely feel my heart rate shouldn't be that close to maximum. (99%) I did feel tired by the end of my shifts but I never realized my HR went that high. Let's see if we can lower it during these couple of months.

Duration: 1.31.00
Calories: 1330
HR AVG: 158 bpm
HR Max: 193 bpm
Training Load: 183

I did the Insanity Workout about an hour after I had lunch. It felt as horrible as I imagined it would. I just lost all power in my legs twice during the workout thus I couldn't do it all the way. I cut the workout about 4 minutes short. I didn't even get my HR as high as I hoped. Well, the first couple of weeks are going to be hard. That's for sure.

Duration: 0.36.00
Calories: 586
HR AVG: 172
HR Max: 188
Training Load: 94

After this I took a little power nap and prepared myself for this nights hockey game. I slept pretty well actually and then stretched for half an hour. Still felt pretty damn sore and stiff after that, but at least it eased the pain a little bit. Throughout the game I felt pretty sore, but surprisingly I started to loosen up towards the end of the game and now, as I am laying here on the couch, I actually feel pretty damn good. It's been a really efficient training day and I'm happy I did it (more happy that its over tho, but happy nevertheless!)

Duration: 1.23.00
Calories: 1009
HR AVG: 149
HR Max: 180
Training Load: 137


Day 2 totals:

Duration: 3h 30 minutes
Calories: 2925
Weight: 107,2 kg (236,3 lbs)
(-1,1kg / -2,4 lbs)

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